2009-06-24 12:46 by 老赵, 21235 visits在消息传递(Message Passing)领域,PingPong是最常见的测试之一。它的功能简单的有些无聊,一个Ping Actor和一个Pong Actor之间互相传递消息,你Ping过来我Pong过去。也正因为如此简单,PingPong的目标仅仅是测试纯粹的消息传递机制的效率。也正因为如此,各Actor模型往往都将其作为展示自己功能的第一个示例。老赵从互联网上收集了一些最为常见的,不同语言/平台下Actor模型实现PingPong的示例,可作“观赏”之用。
- Erlang (source)
- Scala (source)
- Haskell (source)
- Ruby (source)
- Python (source)
- Axum with Channel (source)
- Axum with Ordered Interaction Points (source)
- F# (source)
- F# with ActorLite (source)
-module(tut15). -export([start/0, ping/2, pong/0]). ping(0, Pong_PID) -> Pong_PID ! finished, io:format("ping finished~n", []); ping(N, Pong_PID) -> Pong_PID ! {ping, self()}, receive pong -> io:format("Ping received pong~n", []) end, ping(N - 1, Pong_PID). pong() -> receive finished -> io:format("Pong finished~n", []); {ping, Ping_PID} -> io:format("Pong received ping~n", []), Ping_PID ! pong, pong() end. start() -> Pong_PID = spawn(tut15, pong, []), spawn(tut15, ping, [3, Pong_PID]).
import scala.actors.Actor import scala.actors.Actor._ class Ping(count: int, pong: Actor) extends Actor { def act() { var pingsLeft = count - 1 pong ! Ping loop { react { case Pong => if (pingsLeft % 1000 == 0) Console.println("Ping: pong") if (pingsLeft > 0) { pong ! Ping pingsLeft -= 1 } else { Console.println("Ping: stop") pong ! Stop exit() } } } } } class Pong extends Actor { def act() { var pongCount = 0 loop { react { case Ping => if (pongCount % 1000 == 0) Console.println("Pong: ping "+pongCount) sender ! Pong pongCount = pongCount + 1 case Stop => Console.println("Pong: stop") exit() } } } } object pingpong extends Application { val pong = new Pong val ping = new Ping(100000, pong) ping.start pong.start }
require 'concurrent/actors' include Concurrent::Actors Message = Struct.new :ping, :pong ping_thread = Actor.spawn do loop do Actor.receive do |f| f.when Message do |m| puts "PING" sleep(1) m.pong << Message.new(m.ping, m.pong) end end end end pong_thread = Actor.spawn do loop do Actor.receive do |f| f.when Message do |m| puts "PONG" sleep(1) m.ping << Message.new(m.ping, m.pong) end end end end ping_thread << Message.new(ping_thread, pong_thread) while(true) puts("WAITING...") sleep(5) end
# # pingpong_stackless.py # import stackless ping_channel = stackless.channel() pong_channel = stackless.channel() def ping(): while ping_channel.receive(): #blocks here print "PING" pong_channel.send("from ping") def pong(): while pong_channel.receive(): print "PONG" ping_channel.send("from pong") stackless.tasklet(ping)() stackless.tasklet(pong)() # we need to 'prime' the game by sending a start message # if not, both tasklets will block stackless.tasklet(ping_channel.send)('startup') stackless.run()
Axum with Channel
using System; using System.Concurrency; using System.Collections.Generic; using Microsoft.Axum; using System.Concurrency.Messaging; public channel PingPongStatus { input int HowMany; output int Done; Start: { HowMany, Done -> End; } } public agent Ping : channel PingPongStatus { public Ping() { // How many are we supposed to do? var iters = receive(PrimaryChannel::HowMany); // Create pong and send how many to do var chan = Pong.CreateInNewDomain(); chan::HowMany <-- iters; // Send pings and receive pongs for (int i = 0; i < iters; i++) { chan::Ping <-- Signal.Value; receive(chan::Pong); Console.WriteLine("Ping received Pong"); } // How many did Pong process? int pongIters = receive(chan::Done); PrimaryChannel::Done <-- 0; } } public channel PingPong { input int HowMany; output int Done; input Signal Ping; output Signal Pong; } public agent Pong : channel PingPong { public Pong() { // Get how many we're supposed to do var iters = receive(PrimaryChannel::HowMany); int i = 0; // Receive our ping and send back our pong for (; i < iters; i++) { receive(PrimaryChannel::Ping); Console.WriteLine("Pong received Ping"); PrimaryChannel::Pong <-- Signal.Value; } PrimaryChannel::Done <-- i; } } public agent Program : channel Application { public Program() { // Wait for our command args var cmdArgs = receive(PrimaryChannel::CommandLine); // Set the iterations to be some number var iters = 3; // Create instance of ping and send msg var chan = Ping.CreateInNewDomain(); chan::HowMany <-- iters; // Receive how many done receive(chan::Done); PrimaryChannel::Done <-- Signal.Value; } }
open System type message = Finished | Msg of int * MailboxProcessor<message> let ping iters (outbox : MailboxProcessor<message>) = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox -> let rec loop n = async { if n > 0 then outbox.Post( Msg(n, inbox) ) let! msg = inbox.Receive() Console.WriteLine("ping received pong") return! loop(n-1) else outbox.Post(Finished) Console.WriteLine("ping finished") return ()} loop iters) let pong () = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox -> let rec loop () = async { let! msg = inbox.Receive() match msg with | Finished -> Console.WriteLine("pong finished") return () | Msg(n, outbox) -> Console.WriteLine("pong received ping") outbox.Post(Msg(n, inbox) return! loop() } loop()) let ponger = pong() do (ping 10 ponger) |> ignore
F# with ActorLite
#light open System open ActorLite let (<=) (m:_ Actor) msg = m.Post msg type message = string * message Actor let pong = { new message Actor() with override self.Receive(message) = let msg, ping = message Console.WriteLine(msg) ping <= ("Pong", self) } let ping = { new message Actor() with override self.Receive(message) = let msg, pong = message Console.WriteLine(msg) pong <= ("Ping", self) } ping <= ("Start", pong) Console.ReadLine |> ignore